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Searching DEER website
Costs of Measures
Data Dictionary
DBeaver connection to databases
Lighting HOUs
READI© Access to DEER database




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Although it appears that a user-specific ID/password combination is needed to log into, all use DEER/2008 for access.

Searching DEER website

Into browser bar, type: SearchTerm (e.g., READI©)

Costs of Measures

Measure costs in the PEAR and ExAnte databases are no longer maintained. For instance, the most recent update was for a T8 linear fluorescent ballast measure for January 1, 2018. The costs in the PEAR database can be found here.

Measure costs for currently active workpapers are available at Costs located here are updated regularly.

Data Dictionary The data dictionary can be found in the “DataDict” table, located in the “spt” schema of the “exante” database (a.k.a. exante.spt.DataDict). A copy can also be found here.

DBeaver connection to databases

Direct access can be achieved using the following login information and a PostgreSQL-driver database tool such as DBeaver:

Host Address:<br>Public Username: sptviewer<br>Public Password:deereddev

Connection to the Preliminary Ex Ante Review (PEAR) database, a.k.a. currentbp, is achieved using DBeaver settings as shown in the snapshot that follows:


Connection to the ExAnte database (the database of record), a.k.a. exante, is achieved using DBeaver settings as shown in the snapshot that follows:


Lighting HOUs



The attached file contains:

            • the hours of use (HOU) associated with various lighting categories

            • The equivalent full-load hours (EFLH) associated with similar--but different--lighting categories

This is all of the lighting usage information currently contained in the PEAR database. 



Most of the historical loadshapes can be found on E3’s website in the preprocessing zip files and also down at the bottom of the page under Load Shape Information:

The generalized load shape (GLS) format, posted to the DEER website (, is calendar agnostic and includes older and newer shapes from multiple DEER versions and EM&V studies. The parameters for these are also uploaded to the PEAR database and viewable using a database viewer such as DBeaver with a PostgreSQL driver and using the following login information:

Host Address:
Public Username: sptviewer
Public Password: deereddev

Connection to the Preliminary Ex Ante Review (PEAR) database, a.k.a. currentbp, is achieved using DBeaver settings as shown in the snapshot that follows:

The load shapes are located within:

·         Tables: ImpactProfileElec_2022 and ImpactProfileGas_2022

·         Schema: costeff

·         Database: currentbp (a.k.a. the PEAR database, which is short for Preliminary Ex Ante Review)


For information on the Avoided Cost Calculator calendar approach, which includes multiple future years, please visit the CPUC website at Cost Effectiveness (

READI©Access to DEER database

There is an application available to view the contents of both DEER databases--Preliminary Ex Ante Review (PEAR) and ExAnte (EA)--named Remote Ex-Ante Database Interface (READI©). It, along with more details, is available here:

Alternatively, direct access can be achieved using the following login information and a PostgreSQL-driver database tool such as DBeaver:

Host Address:
Public Username: sptviewer
Public Password: deereddev

Connection to the Preliminary Ex Ante Review (PEAR) database, a.k.a. currentbp, is achieved using DBeaver settings as shown in the snapshot that follows:

Connection to the ExAnte database (the database of record), a.k.a. exante, is achieved using DBeaver settings as shown in the snapshot that follows:

Since READI© is hard-coded to only show DEER2020 as the latest available update, it will be necessary for READI© users to populate the “Period ends:” field to encompass measures available beyond the default of 2021-01-01 (as shown), to 2021-12-31 or beyond.

Since the transition to the eTRM is under way in 2021, we are trying to avoid updating READI© since it would cause considerable confusion.

If you need additional help, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.