eTRM v2 Enhancements

No. Enhancement Description Per Resolution E-5082 DEER2022 Update Complete
1 Add additional data fields at staff direction to meet the Deemed Data Standard. x
2 Create a process (API with specific views designed by the ex ante team for the eTRM) that would sync with the Ex Ante tables and update the eTRM shared tables daily. 
3 Set versioning of shared parameters and value tables at the object (table/parameter) level rather than at the shared data library level.  
4 Add ability for editors to choose what columns appear (and their order) in the characterization when a value table is embedded (both shared and measure- specific).
5 Creation of a CPUC-specific shared data library for DEER measures. This shared data library would support versioned parameters and value tables managed by CPUC and available for eTRM measures to import. Creation of CPUC-specific workspace to allow for storage and viewing of DEER Measure and Energy data that could be imported into the eTRM Measure Template for further development and approval. Users who wish to develop a new measure based upon a valid DEER Measure (a DEER measure that has not expired) shall be able to import DEER Energy data into the eTRM Measure Template for further development of a statewide measure.  
6 Add the ability to maximize production system uptime during deployment of enhancements and fixes. Deployments that require system downtime should be deployed outside typical business hours.  
7 Add the ability to utilize the staging environment as a User Acceptance Testing platform for all enhancements.  
8 Add the ability to retain independent user profiles between staging and production environments during deployment of enhancements and fixes.  
9 Add the ability to deploy enhancements to production environment without compromising existing measures, measure data and user tracking data.  
10 Add the ability to roll-back changes in the event of failed deployment, without loss of data.  
11 Add ability to associate load shapes--either 8,760-hour or compressed format--to measure permutations based on permutation attributes. eTRM should store library of load shapes, which may be associated at the permutation level.
Energy Division will need to finalize appropriate measure-level load shapes that can be used for each measure or technology type, but we would like to add IDs now if we can. 
12 Add the ability to select any available public field in any order, downloadable as Excel or PDF file. Ability for user to save report format associated with their specific log-in credentials so they can use repeatedly.  
13 Incorporate interactive report rendering system (e.g., Tableau Public Version) with eTRM. Build presentment into dedicated eTRM page (via iframe) and add Report link to global navigation.   
14 Add an extension of notifications available on measure and permutation reports. Any change to the data in the report, where the source is from a commit (NOT a saved draft) would trigger a notification to subscribers. Notifications would be aggregated so that a user only receives one notification per report per day, in the case that someone is committing updates to a measure multiple times in one day.  
15 Develop and add ability to download master report (flat file) of measure permutations that is not limited to a single measure. x
16 Develop master report (flat file) of measure permutations that is not limited to a single measure.
17 Provide necessary enhancements to fulfil the CPUC's updated eTRM Workpaper workflow process once it is complete (develop workpaper management backend and front end infrastructure, CPUC user roles, workpaper and parameter-level version control management, integrated communication tools, user interface design, and other requirements as needed).  
18 Define and implement workflows to eTRM for Energy Division ex ante workpaper review, tracking, approval, and value updating functionality.  
19 Add Functions that support email notifications as a measure changes status and assignee, including:
– Ability for a user to assign a measure to another user
– During a measure status change
– Independently of a measure status change (admin only)
– Email notifications when a measure is assigned to you
– Email reminders after a period of time that a measure has been assigned to you
20 When Shared Table updates occur, the system will determine which measures are affected and permit the administrator to notify the appropriate parties who have registered for notification when specific measures or measure technology types change. Update notification would be at discretion of administrator.  
21 Add ability for the eTRM to generate a flat- file export that is compatible with the CET measure import specification:
- The user shall be able to select measures from an available list
- The user should be able to filter the measures based on parameters that define permutations (e.g., Delivery type, MAT)  
- eTRM shall be able to import permutation- level cost-effectiveness values from a flat file that is compatible with CET measure results file specifications:
-Values will be loaded and stored at the measure permutation level.
22 Develop filters for dashboards that are specific to individual users. The dashboards and filters shall only be viewable by a specific user, as determined by the user’s log-in credentials. as specified. Filters include end use, sector, and delivery type.      
23 Update the measure data model to include a new field for delivery type, so that it can be filtered on. Delivery type shall be added to the table of measures on the user's dashboard.  
24 Allow an editor to sort Value Tables based upon any column (parameter or value) and save that sort to embed that sort into a characterization field.  
25 Implement the ability for an editor to transpose value tables. This applies to both static (RTE) tables and dynamic (embedded) tables. In the case of an embedded value table, this display configuration only applies to the table in the characterization, and does not affect the underlying value table (located in the Supporting Data page of the measure)  
26 Design new table styles (to be added to existing "Zebra" and "Plain" table style options). One example new style is a table with smaller font and narrower column widths.
 Enable measure editors to set a table style to both static (RTE) and dynamic (embedded) tables.
27 Implement functions that assign a reference to a value table row.  x
28 Add ability for users to hide columns and rearrange columns based on individual session needs.  
29 Allow users to save their permutation table preferences for next time (including sorting, filtering, hiding columns, etc.)  
30 Add capability to show calculated values in value tables  
31 Support the Boolean type, with TRUE and FALSE displayed/imported/exported instead of 0 and 1.  
32 Implement enhancement to the equation editing interface to allow editors to type directly into the editing bar (including autocomplete suggestions) without having to click (+) to see the list of terms to choose from.  
33 When viewing calculations, implement a way to provide insight as to the source of a calculation's variable – which could be a value table, parameter or another calculation – and a link to travel to the object detail page.  
34 Add capability to have global or imported calculations. Global calculations are calculations that are used in more than one measure.    
35 In the configure permutation fields panel, fields that are not mapped will be color- coded so that they are easier to see and correct.  
36 Pre-map values from shared parameters/shared value tables to data spec field.  
37 Add capability for users to filter and sort permutation table. When filtered, system would automatically hide the rows that are no longer unique due to missing columns.  
38 Include ability to hide columns of the permutation table that user may consider unnecessary. Column-hiding functionality should also hide duplicate rows if columns being hidden were distinguishing columns to unique permutations.  
39 In the exclusion table, implement a visual design for exclusion table rows that are NOT excluded (e.g. unchecked), so that they are easier for editors to scan in the table.  
40 Implement feature that allows range-checking on value tables. An editor would be able to specify a maximum value, minimum value, allowable data type (such as text or number only) and/or "cannot be empty" validation on a value table column. Value table cells that do not meet the validation criteria would be flagged to the measure developer or measure reviewer.
Prior to implementing this feature, ensure that error-checking features to be developed for eTRM are consistent with and at least as robust as the error-checking features for CET and CEDARs.
Note: This does not apply to static (RTE) tables.  
41 Implement text comparison and redlining feature for all measure text fields so textual differences between different versions of a measure are readily apparent. This feature shall allow an editor to compare two versions of a measure, selected by the editor, marked up with differences.  
42 Once necessary license with the WebSpellChecker CKeditor plugin is obtained, ensure it is used as the spell- checking source for all rich text fields in the eTRM.  
43 Redesign the reference file download green rectangle element to reduce its footprint for an individual reference and when seen in a long list of references. x
44 Explore adding a drag-to-resize image capability to measure characterization rich text fields. If that solution is not recommended or stable, add up to two new image styles. One desired new style is a small stamp-size image style.   
45 Add the ability for a reference to be associated with a measure, value table, parameter or calculation by a specific page or table number. This eliminates the need to duplicate references in the reference library. x
46 Add a field to the reference data model for Publication Date. Add a filter to the manage references list that allows filtering by publication date.  
47 Add "Year" field to search matrix for reference search.  
48 References that have file attachments will display an attachment icon in the manage references list. Implement the ability to filter the manage references list by "has attachment".  
49 Implement a list of common reference sponsor organizations. When adding or editing a reference, a user can select a sponsor organization from the list or add their own.  
50 Add an API endpoint that provides a master list of value tables across latest published versions of all measures and including the shared data library.  
51 Add an API endpoint that provides a master list of permutations across latest published versions of all measures. x
52 Add an API endpoint that provides a master list of all references. The list can be filtered by reference type.  
53 Include "at a glance" capability for viewing tables without clicking into them (using mouse-over or hover-enabled popup).  
54 Design and implement a pagination selector to all paginated eTRM lists (except panel lists), offering pagination by 25, 50, 100 objects. x
55 Design and implement a new reference detail page. 
This reference detail would be viewable through site search, including the ability to include/exclude reference results from the search results list. All references shall be accessible through site search. 
56 Design and implement a new calculation detail page. Implement the addition of shared value tables, shared parameters and shared calculations being accessible through site search.  
57 Modify home page to allow view access without login. Such anonymous access would deny user features such as subscriptions, saved preferences, etc., that rely on a registrant's email address.  
59 Add an affordance to download the measure characterization PDF separately from the full measure download packet. Only the PDF would be contained in the download. x
58 Add measure name and version number to the characterization PDF file name.  
60 Allow ability to perform 8,760-hour array calculations (for example, developing annual carbon impact using hourly values that can be summed over full year), as well as over measure lifetime.  
61 Add measure name and version number to the characterization PDF file name. x
62 Revisit enhancements to the measure characterization PDF, ensuring:
 - Logical page breaks, where possible (not splitting up object/table names from its host object/table, etc.)
- Maintain proportionality and consistency in text style levels (headings) and sizes (esp. static vs. dynamic table headings)
- Floated elements retain their size, instead of erroneously expanding to full width in the PDF
- All symbols in the measure characterization text and calculations will render correctly in the PDF
63 Update parameter .csv files to identify which values from shared parameters are selected for measure.  
64 Add ≥ and ≤ to the list of available symbols in the rich text editor toolbar.  
65 Applies to site search, measure list, manage measure list. Ensure the statewide measure ID is always displayed next to the measure name when viewing a list of measures.  
66 Allow ability to calculate Greenhouse Gas impacts using 8,760-hour GHG lookup data and 8,760-hour measure energy savings.  
67 Reconsider all places where an API name is presented to the user and consider the use of a friendly name instead. If we pursue a friendly name, effort includes: Ability for users to manage the friendly name, Effort to migrate existing measures to use their friendly name, eliminating the need for Cal TF to update all measures  
68 Provide necessary enhancements to fulfil the CPUC's updated eTRM Workpaper workflow process once it is complete (develop workpaper management backend and front end infrastructure, CPUC user roles, workpaper and parameter-level version control management, integrated communication tools, user interface design, and other requirements as needed).  
69 Develop infrastructure as needed to ensure CEDARS can eventually use a live eTRM data connection for claims and reporting purposes.   
70 Provide the framework that would allow the eventual sunsetting of the PEAR/Ex-Ante database, at which point the CPUC user roles may absorb all administrative permissions.  
71 Develop unanticipated enhancements that the CPUC determines essential within Phase 2 but did not foresee during the publication of this appendix.  
72 Creation of workpaper space for PAs to submit "Workpaper in Development" with ability for CPUC to provide early feedback on workpapers prior to submittal.  
73 Add ability for the eTRM to generate a workpaper revision history by parameter.  
74 Create a dedicated schema on the server where views for all of the shared tables that will be read by CEDARS can be created, stored and modified. Provide assistance on how to make the 21 existing views work with the JSON tables, which includes the two new tables for ‘source_status’ and ‘Measure’.  

Ability for PAs to assign their measure/solution codes to eTRM measures and permutations.