

The "Technology Groups & Types" section of the Classification tab shows a table of Technology Groups and a table of Technology Types. The tech Types are a sub-category of tech Groups, as illustrated in the technology tree on the same page. But the classification of technologies doesn't actually stop with "Types". Every technology type includes a definition of how that tech type is characterized. A set of parameters is associated with each technology type that characterize the important aspects of the technology.

The "Technologies" tab compiles information for a chosen technology type and displays information for all associated technologies. Use the tree on the left side of the screen to choose a technology type. All of the defined technologies for the selected technology type are listed in the main table. Each column of this table is a parameter that describes an aspect of the technology; required parameters have a bold column title. Clicking on the column titles brings up controls that allow the table to be filtered. This becomes an important feature for technology types that have hundreds of associated technologies. Note: he "Technology Description" text box displays the long text description of the currently selected technology.

Click on the "Find Measures" button to find all measures that reference the selected list of technologies. Note: not all measure definitions currently reference enties in the Technology table. All lighting measures, however, utilize Technology IDs and can therefore be searched via their associated technologies.

The two tables at the bottom of the screen provide details about the parameters used to describe the selected technology type. The left table lists all of the pararmeters associated with the technology definition while the right table lists the options associated with the selected parameter. Note: you can adjust the table sizes to accomodate long parameter lists and you can hide the parameter tables by double-clicking in the area above the technologies list.

A stand-alone table that expands a technology definition into its full description can be viewed by pressing on the table icon at the top of the technologies list. This table lists each parameter as a row and includes both the parameter value codes and the parameter value descriptions. Press the pin icon to make the technology table remain on top of READI, so you can scroll through the list of measures and see the technology table update.