Browse Tables

Browse the database Tables

Browsing the database tables is often as simple as clicking on the appropriate tab near the top of the screen. Tables are automatically loaded at the time you click on the tab. Loading tables typically takes only a few seconds.

All of the tables that are used to present the data share some common features:

  • Columns can be resized by dragging the border of the title row to the left or right.
  • The width of a table will often expand as the main program screen is made larger.
  • If a column of interest can only be seen by scrolling the table to the right, you can grab the column title and move the column to the left. This will keep the column in view at all times.
  • For the main ex ante tables, the right-click ppo-up menu also allows you to select the fields that are displayed in the table. Setting for the main tables will be remember the next time you start READI.

Use the Classification Trees to quickly access data

The two sets of tables presented under the "Classification Trees" tab can be used to navigate to Implementations, Measures, Costs and Technologies based on their Use classification or their Technology classification.

The tables present how many records are associated with each classification for the main ex ante tables. Double-clicking on one of these numeric cells will take you to that appropriate table and will filter that table to show the data of interest.

Use the tree's right-click menu (aka "pop-up" menu) for more options, such as fully expanding or collapsing the tree.

Support Tables

The Support Tables screen allows for a quick perusal of the many relatively simple tables in the ex ante database. The tables are organized into groups on the left side of the screen. Click on one of the group headings to bring up the list of tables and press one of the table buttons to load the data. Information about each table includes:

  • Table Name: the name of the table in the central database.
  • db Schema: the location of the table in the database. The "schema" is much like a directory and is used to store groups of related tables within the database.
  • Table Usage: a brief description of how the data is used.
  • SQL statement: dislays the Standard Query Language code used to retrieve the data. For database developers, this can provide some insight into the table structure.

The data table itself is similar to the other tables: key fields are highlighted in green, the column widths are expandable and columns are able to be rearranged. Tables can be filtered by specifying text in the edit box above the table. The specified text will be searched for in the first three columns of the table. Two search criteria can be specified with "and"; for example: "CFL and Outdoor" will return records that have both "CFL" and "Outdoor" in the first three fields.

Download Ex Ante data

Save data Tables to your computer

All of the data associated with the tables in READI can be downloaded to your computer by using the options associated with the download icon above each table. Click on the arrow in the download icon to reveal the download options. Typically, there are two formats availalbe:

  • Excel workbook; if your computer has a recent version of Excel installed, READI can create a workbook in the default Excel format (.XLS or .XLSX). The workbook may contain supporting data in separate tabs along with the main table you are downloading.
  • CSV text file; a comma separated values text file will be created that can be imported into a workbook or database table.

  • The workbook or CSV file saved to your computer will contain all of the fields associated with the database table, not just the fields displayed on-screen. If the rows of the on-screen table are filtered, the workbook or CSV file will reflect the filtered list.

    Downloading EnergyImpact data

    As with the other tables, you can download the results associated with the EnergyImpact table by right-clicking and selecting the download option. This process will download results for the current measure to a "CSV" formatted text file on your computer. The program can also cycle through a list of measures and download all of the associated energy impacts to a single file. To download the energy impacts for an entire group of measures follow these steps:

    1. On the Measures tab, filter the measure list to a single technology group.
      • Go to the Measures tab; if necessary, reset the measure list so it includes the full list of measures (by pressing the reset arrows icon).
      • Use the measure tree to filter the measure list; be sure to double-click on the technology branch to apply the filter to the measure list.
      • Alternatively, you can left-click the mouse on the column title "Tech Group" or "Tech Type" in the Measure List and select a single entry.
    2. The measure list will now be filtered and will include a single value in the "Tech group" column. Whenever a single technology group is selected, the main menu "Tools => Download Tech Group Impacts" option is enabled. If you want to download the energy impacts associated with the current list of measures, select this option.

    3. The program will take you to the Energy Impacts tab and will reveal a number of options on the left side of the screen:
      • Include Extended Measure Info: when this option is selected additional measure information fields are included with each energy impact record (recommended).
      • Append CSV file: this option allows you to append the current energy impact records to an existing CSV file without multiple header lines.
      • Filter the Energy Impacts List using the column titles in the table. The filter you create will be used for all measures in the list.
    4. Finally, press the group download button and specify the file name. The program will cycle through all measures in the list, load the energy impacts and write them to the specified file. Note: if you chose a long list of measures and need to stop the download process, press the ESC key repeatedly until the process stops.

    Downloading MeasEnImp formatted data

    The MeasEnImp table (Measure Energy Impacts) is a compact version of the energy impacts associated with each Measure, expanded for all applicable Measure Qualifiers. Filter the Measure List as described above and then use the Tools menu to select this option. A single CSV file will be written with the energy impacts associated with each Measure and Qualifier in the Measure List.

Add New Measure

Creating New Measure Definitions

Step 1: Specifying Technologies

On the "Specify Technologies" tab you can either select or describe the new technologies associated with this measure. It is always preferable to select pre-defined technologies from the DEER technologies table when possible. To select a new technology from the DEER tables, follow these steps:

  • Make sure the "link" is checked next to the technology case of interest. This will enable the options needed to link a measure technology to the DEER technology tables.
  • Click the "Find" button next to the technology case you want to replace. You will be taken to the technology list with the current technology selected.
  • In the Technology Table, browse to the desired replacement technology record. You can filter and sort the list by right-clicking on the column titles.
  • Right-click on the new technology and select the technology case that this new technology will replace (Measure, Code or Pre-Existing)

If the technology needed for the new measure definition is not in the technology tables, you can "un-link" the description from the technology table by unchecking the "link" option for the appropriate technology case. When you do this, you will be able to enter a technology description and a technology Scale Value. Be sure the entered scale value is consistent with the scale value of the other technolgies in the measure definition.

Step 2: Updating Measure Information

On the "Update Measure Info" tab, enter a new Measure ID, Measure Description and Comment.

  • The MeasureID should be unique, especially if the new measure definition will be submitted as part of IOU workpapers. Click the update button to have READI automatically create an ID based on the measure classification and associated technology IDs.
  • The Measure Description should include enough details to differentiate it from similar measures. Click the update button to have READI automatically create a description based on the associated technologies. Note: whenever you link to a new technology in Step 1, the program will automatically create a new Measure ID and Description; you can accept these new values or edit them as appropriate.
  • Select the applicable IOU from the pull-down list.

Step 3: Review Remaining Information

Finally, review all of the other measure information on the last tab. Only after you have completed all three steps and all sections with an "Action Required" title are completed will the "Save" button at the bottom of the screen be enabled.

When you press the Save button, you can add the new measure definition to an existing file or write it to a new file. Once you've created and saved new measures, you can import them into the measures list by using the "Tools => Import Local Data => Measure Definitions" menu option.



The "Technology Groups & Types" section of the Classification tab shows a table of Technology Groups and a table of Technology Types. The tech Types are a sub-category of tech Groups, as illustrated in the technology tree on the same page. But the classification of technologies doesn't actually stop with "Types". Every technology type includes a definition of how that tech type is characterized. A set of parameters is associated with each technology type that characterize the important aspects of the technology.

The "Technologies" tab compiles information for a chosen technology type and displays information for all associated technologies. Use the tree on the left side of the screen to choose a technology type. All of the defined technologies for the selected technology type are listed in the main table. Each column of this table is a parameter that describes an aspect of the technology; required parameters have a bold column title. Clicking on the column titles brings up controls that allow the table to be filtered. This becomes an important feature for technology types that have hundreds of associated technologies. Note: he "Technology Description" text box displays the long text description of the currently selected technology.

Click on the "Find Measures" button to find all measures that reference the selected list of technologies. Note: not all measure definitions currently reference enties in the Technology table. All lighting measures, however, utilize Technology IDs and can therefore be searched via their associated technologies.

The two tables at the bottom of the screen provide details about the parameters used to describe the selected technology type. The left table lists all of the pararmeters associated with the technology definition while the right table lists the options associated with the selected parameter. Note: you can adjust the table sizes to accomodate long parameter lists and you can hide the parameter tables by double-clicking in the area above the technologies list.

A stand-alone table that expands a technology definition into its full description can be viewed by pressing on the table icon at the top of the technologies list. This table lists each parameter as a row and includes both the parameter value codes and the parameter value descriptions. Press the pin icon to make the technology table remain on top of READI, so you can scroll through the list of measures and see the technology table update.

Measure Catalog

Measure Catalog

Clicking on the "Measure Catalog" tab at the top of the screen will load the list of program-specific measures. The list will be filtered based on which IOUs are selected in the READI© Options dialog.

The "Measure Catalog" links all necessary cost effectiveness values to a measure definition such that an engineering cost-benefit analysis can be done. Measure Catalog entries are defined in IOU workpapers where all relevant cost-effectiveness references are described for a measure along with how that measure is delivered by a program. All entries in the Measure Catalog table are based on IOU workpapers and are created by linking data from other ex-ante tables:

  • Measure ID
    links to a DEER or non-DEER measure definition in the Measure table,
    the Measure definition includes information about all technologies involved with the measure;
  • Energy Impact ID
    linked via the referenced Measure,
    links to a group of DEER or non-DEER energy impacts in the Energy Impacts table,
    energy impacts that vary by building type, vintage or location are linked to a measure by a single Energy Impact ID;
    links to a record or group of records in the DEER NTGR table,
    the selection of the Net-to-Gross Ratio record that is linked to the implementation is dependent on both the measure technology and how the measure is delivered to the customer;
    links to a record or group of records in the DEER GSIA table,
    the Gross Savings and Installation Adjustment reference is dependent on both the measure technology and how the measure is delivered;
  • Measure technology Cost ID
    is linked either in the Measure Catalog entry directly or via the referenced MeasureID,
    links to a record or group of records of DEER or non-DEER measure costs in the Measure Cost table,
    describes either the full or incremental cost of the measure technology,
    a single Cost ID can reference multiple cost records that vary by building type or climate zone;
  • Code/Standard technology Cost ID
    is linked either in the Measure Catalog entry or via the referenced MeasureID
    links to a record or group of records of DEER or non-DEER measure costs in the Measure Cost table,
    describes the full cost of the code/standard technology involved with the measure, if applicable,
    a single Cost ID can reference multiple cost records that vary by building type or climate zone;
  • EUL ID
    linked via the referenced Measure,
    links to a DEER or non-DEER EUL ID in the EUL table
    assigns an Estimated Useful Life to the measure technology,
    a single EUL ID can reference multiple EUL life records that vary by building type or climate zone;
  • RUL ID
    linked via the referenced Measure,
    links to a DEER or non-DEER EUL ID in the EUL table
    assigns an estimated Remaining Useful Life to the pre-existing technology, if needed.

Additional information in the Measure Catalog include:

  • Application Type
    specifies how above Pre-existing and above-code Energy Impacts are used in concert with the EUL and RUL values:
    • Replace-on-Burnout (ROB) or New Construction (NC): specifies that the measure above-code energy impacts are used for the EUL number of years. The incremental measure technology cost can be specified or the full cost of both the measure technology and the code technology can be specified.
    • Early Retirement (ER): specifies that the measure above pre-existing enegy impacts are used for the initial RUL number of years; following the RUL period, the above-code energy impacts are used for the (EUL – RUL) number of years. The full cost of the code technology must be specified along with the full or incremental cost of the measure technology.
    • Retrofit (Ret) or Retrofit Add-On (REA): specifies that the above pre-existing energy impacts are used for the linked EUL number of years. The full or incremental measure technology cost can be specified and will be used as the measure cost.
  • Delivery Type
    specifies how the measure is delivered to the customer; Linked NTG and Cost records must be compatible with the specified delivery type, options include:
    • Direct Install
    • Prescriptive Rebate
    • On-bill Financing
  • Default Cost Qualifier
    the cost qualifier allows a single Measure Catalog entry to reference different cost records based on a “cost qualifier” specified in the claim. If the cost records linked to the Measure Catalog entry require a cost qualifier, but none is specified in the claim, the default cost qualifier will be used.

    The cost records linked to the Measure Catalog entry must utilize the “Cost Qualifier” applicability field and include all values that will be used when making claims against the Catalog.  The historical use of a cost qualifier in IOU programs is for CFL lamps, where the cost varies depending on the packaging (single-pack, 2-3 pack, 5-pack, etc.).
  • Program cost information can also be included in the Measure Catalog definition:
    • Payment to Customer: Rebate
    • Payment to Customer: On-bill Financing
    • Payment to Non-Ratepayer: Incentive
    • Payment to Non-Ratepayer: Direct Install Labor
    • Payment to Non-Ratepayer: Direct Install Materials
    • Payment to Non-Ratepayer: Administrative/Other
    • Non-Incentive program costs
    • Rate Payer Cost: General
    • Rate Payer Cost: Labor
    • Rate Payer Cost: Material

Measure Catalog Claim values

A Measure Catalog entry, as defined by the links listed above, can be associated with many combinations of Energy Impact, Cost, NTG, GSIA and EUL records. This occurs because each of the tables linked to the entry can have multiple rows with the same referenced ID; the multiple records are distinguished by applicability fields. This is a key concept in how Measure Catalog entries are used in IOU claims and is explained in more detail below.

To examine all of the possible combination of cost effectiveness values associated with a Measure Catalog entry, select a row in the Measure Catalog table and press the "Measure Catalog Claim Values" button (or double-click on a Measure Catalog List row). Each of the linked tables will be analyzed and the intersection of all the tables will be summarized in a separate window.

  • The top-left window lists all of the references used to lookup the cost values.
  • The bottom table lists all possible sets of cost effectiveness values associated with the Measure Catalog entry. The first six columns are the applicability specifications, or Measure Catalog input values. The remaining columns are the cost effectiveness values associated with the specified combination of applicability values for that Measure Catalog entry.
  • The top-right window presents a number of views of the Measure Catalog Claim Values for the selected row. The values will update when a new row in the bottom table is selected. The top-right window includes these tabs:
    • [Ex Ante Values]: this tab shows the main ex ante claim values for the selected Measure Catalog input values shown at the top of the window. The values shown in this tab are linked from the Energy Impacts, Cost, NTG, GSIA and EUL tables.
    • [E3 Formatted Ex Ante Values:] The Energy Impacts and Cost data from the previous tab are translated into the E3 Cost-Effectiveness Calculator format. The Application Type is used to determine the First and Second Period impacts and costs.
    • [Measure Catalog Input Options]: This tab summarizes what input (aka applicability) values can be used with this Measure Catalog ID. Lists that are blank or that have a single entry of "Any" do not need to be specified in the Claim. To see which applicability values matched some tables, but did not have a match in all of the linked tables, check the "show all" box at the bottom-right.
    • [Other CE Values]: Other ex ante values needed by the cost-effectiveness calculation are listed here.

Referencing a Measure Catalog ID in Claims

A Measure Catalog entry is referenced in an IOU measure claim by specifying the Measure Catalog ID along with the associated Applicability Values. Applicability values allow a Measure Catalog ID to resolve to a single set of values to be used in the cost-effectiveness calculation. The applicability fields for a Measure Catalog entry include:

  • IOU:the IOU value is needed to resolve Energy Impacts records. This value may be different than the submitting IOU if the submitting IOU is referencing a Measure Catalog ID based on another IOUs workpaper.
  • Building Type: the building type is needed to resolve the Energy Impact, Cost, NTG, GSIA and EUL records. The building type entry must be a recognized “Code” from the DEER Building Type (aka Sub-Sector) table.
  • Building Vintage: the building vintage is needed to resolve the Energy Impact, Cost, NTG, and GSIA records. The building vintage is usually “Ex” (Existing) or “New”, but can be any valid code from the DEER Building Vintage table may be used.
  • Building Location: the location is needed to resolve Energy Impact, Cost and EUL records. The location entry must be a recognized “Code” from the DEER Location type.
  • HVAC Type: this value is typically allowed to default, but may be specified to link to HVAC-specific energy impacts.  The specified value must be one of the HVAC type codes used in the referenced Energy Impacts records.
  • Cost Qualifier: when applicable, the cost qualifier links a specific cost record to the claim.  The value used in the claim must be present in the cost qualifier field of the referenced cost record.

Searching for Measure Catalog entries

Like other tables in READI©, the table at the bottom of the Measure Catalog screen can be sorted and filtered by clicking on the column headings.  One can also search for text within the Measure Catalog ID, the Measure Catalog Description or the Source Description. Click on the label next to the search box to select the search criteria, enter the text in the bottom search box and press Enter.  Separate two search text values with “and” to seach for records that contain both text values (e.g. “Audit and Onsite”).